Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Life is what happens

I am so very very tired. And it's not even for a good reason like I stayed up late to watch an awesome movie or I hiked 3 miles. It's because work is kicking my ass. If you've ever worked customer service you know what I mean. It just drains you. I got home at 6 today and very literally collapsed into my bed. My roommate must think I am sick or something, but mostly it's just because my brain had decided to stop functioning. I just lay there for a while and then called my brother.

On a somewhat unrelated note I have decided to go visit him in NC.

I think I'm going to try and sleep now.

Friday, May 2, 2014

The beginning

Hey. I'm KR and I have decided to take the rest of this year and make myself better. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired.
I guess I should tell you a couple things about myself.
I live in Yellowstone, I am vastly overweight, I'm tired all the time, I don't eat right, and I work a lot. Somewhere in my brain there is a little voice that is screaming at me not to change too much too quickly because I will never be able to sustain drastic changes, but something has to give.
303 pounds. I weigh more right now than I ever have before, and I just feel like crap all of the time.
The changes that I've put in place so far are I joined a hiking club. The ultimate goal of the club is for everyone to hike 100 miles this summer. I don't think I'm going to make that, but with luck I'll do 50.
I've also started to go out to the organized activities that are hosted by our Rec center. Tonight was cards and I learned Mammoth Rummy. Apparently it's like regular Rummy except everyone at the table got to add a rule. I'd never played any version of Rummy so it was fun. Good thing I learn quick :)